Under the Code civil of Québec, the person who files an application for a substitution of the usual given name with the Directeur de l'état civil must give public notice of their intention to substitute their usual given name.
To comply with this requirement, that person must have a notice published free of charge on the Directeur de l'état civil website for a 15 jours period. This publication allows interested persons to become aware of the notice to substitute the usual given name.
The Directeur de l'état civil publishes on its website the notice with the effective date of the new usual given name, unless such publication is not required.
Exemption from publication
An exemption from publication may be granted by the Directeur de l'état civil for reasons of public interest concerning what is for the public good and to the benefit of all and justifying, among other things, measures aimed at protecting the identity of a person or ensuring their safety.
This is an exceptional measure where the Directeur de l'état civil exercises discretionary power on a case-by-case basis and where the person who files the application must demonstrate that the reasons provided justify such an exemption. It is recommended to include with the application documents to support it (example: a letter from a doctor, psychologist, social worker or Crime Victims Assistance Centre (CAVAC) worker, a police report, a court judgment).
If an exemption is denied, the usual rules apply regarding publication of the notice required in the context of an application to substitute the usual given name.
The Charter of the French language and its regulations govern the consultation of English-language content.
Reviewed: 2023-06-08