Comment, suggestion or complaint

If you have a comment, a suggestion or a complaint about a service received from the Directeur de l'état civil, feel free to contact us. By listening to what you have to say, we can be aware of your needs and improve our products and services.

The Directeur de l'état civil sees that the comments, the suggestions and the complaints it receives are given all the required attention.

It has the means and resources to listen, understand and give special attention to citizens’ comments, suggestions or complaints, particularly in:

  • ensuring the management and follow-up of complaints;
  • representing citizens’ interests;
  • contacting the person who made a complaint to the Directeur de l’état civil in order to gather all relevant documents and information required to judge whether the complaint is warranted;
  • determining the best way to resolve problems;
  • ensuring that complaints are dealt with according to law, as well as fairly and equitably;
  • seeing that citizens receive the services the Directeur de l'état civil says it offers;
  • suggesting to the Directeur de l'état civil any administrative corrective measure that will enable it to provide citizens with better service;
  • playing an active role in finding solutions for improving the quality of services.

You can submit your comment, suggestion or complaint by one of the following means.

On the Internet

You can fill out on screen the electronic version of the form entitled Comment, suggestion or complaint and transmit the information directly over the Internet.

By mail

You can print the PDF version of the Complaint form, fill it by hand and mail it to the address found on the form.

By phone

Québec: 418 644-2251
Elsewhere in Québec: 1 866 644-2251 (toll free)


If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your complaint, we will propose other recourse.

Complaints Management Policy of the Ministère de l'Emploi et de la Solidarité sociale

Politique ministérielle de gestion des plaintes in French only (PDF, 2.5 Mo) Ce lien s'ouvrira dans une nouvelle fenêtre.

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Reviewed: 2023-11-20

Ministère de l'Emploi et de la Solidarité sociale. This link open in a new window.

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