PDF versions of the forms are available on our website. You can view, print and download these documents. Some of the forms can also be completed online. To download Acrobat Reader.
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Aboriginal customary adoption certificate, an Aboriginal suppletive tutorship certificate, or an act recognizing an Aboriginal customary adoption outside Québec
This form is used to request a civil status document in the form of a letter that confirms the presence or absence in the register of civil status of an act of birth, of marriage, of civil union or of death or the presence or absence of a notation required by law to be made in the act.
An attestation does not replace a certificate or a copy of an act in either content or usefulness. For more information, consult the Attestation section.
Application for an Attestation (PDF, 51 Ko)
Detailed attestation
The detailed attestation is a civil status document that only concerns births.
A detailled attestation does not replace a certificate or a copy of an act in either content or usefulness. For more information, consult the Detailed Attestation section.
Certificate or Copy of an Act
This form makes it possible to request a certificate or a copy of an act. There is one version of this form for each of the following events: a birth, a marriage ou a civil union, a death, a change of name or a change of sex designation.
Application for a Certificate or Copy of an Act of Birth (PDF, 551 Ko)
Application for a Certificate or Copy of an Act of Marriage or Civil Union (PDF, 817 Ko)
Application for a Certificate or Copy of an Act of Death (PDF, 979 Ko)
Application for a Certificate of Change of Name (PDF, 31 Ko)
To be filled out only if you have been granted a change of name by the Directeur de l'état civil and wish to obtain a change of name certificate. If you wish to apply for a change of name, you must instead fill out the Request for preliminary analysis for a change of name application form, available below, so that the Directeur de l'état civil can determine whether you are eligible to apply for a change of name and, if so, send you the appropriate documents.
Application for a Certificate of Change of Designation of Sex (PDF, 31 Ko)
To be filled out only if you have been granted a change of designation of sex by the Directeur de l’état civil and wish to obtain a change of designation of sex certificate. If you wish to apply for a change of designation of sex, you must instead contact us to obtain an Application for a change of designation of sex form. The Directeur de l’état civil will send you the appropriate documents.
Change of Parental Designation
Le formulaire de changement de désignation parentale ne permet pas l'ajout d'un parent dans la filiation de l'enfant. Si vous voulez présenter une telle demande, vous devez communiquer avec nous afin d'obtenir un formulaire de Déclaration tardive de filiation.
Application for a Change of Parental Designation (PDF, 75 Ko)
Change of designation of sex
This form exists in different versions. To find out more about the form for your situation, consult the Change of sex designation section.
Application to Change the Sex Designation of a Person 18 Years of Age and Over (PDF, 120 Ko)
Change of name
This form enables the Directeur de l'état civil to verify a person's eligibility to apply for a change of name and to determine if that step is appropriate for his or her situation.
If the preliminary analysis enables us to confirm the eligibility of the change name application, we will send you all of the necessary documents by mail. If not, we will inform you of the appropriate solution for the situation.
Application for Preliminary Analysis for a Change of Name Application (PDF, 20 Ko)
For the adopted person: Copy of the Original Act of Birth
A copy of the original act of birth is a civil status document concerning the birth of an adopted person. For more information, consult the Copy of the original act of birth.
Application for a Copy of the Original Act of Birth (PDF, 84 Ko)
Guarantor's Declaration
Fill out only if you are unable to provide photo ID.
According to the Charter of the French language, corporations established in Québec, professionnals or civil administrators are required to communicate with the government in French. For this reason, the Directeur de l'état civil does not produce an English version of this form.
Guarantor's Declaration (PDF, 41 Ko)
General information on the guarantor's declaration (PDF, 36 Ko)
Insertion of an Act of Civil Status Made Outside Québec into the Québec Register of Civil Status
This form makes it possible to ask for the insertion of an act made outside Québec into the Québec register of civil status.
Power of Attorney
A power of attorney, which may be general or special, is a contract that allows one person (the mandator) to designate in writing another person (the mandatary) to act on their behalf in the performance of a legal act.
The Special Power of Attorney for the Application for a Certificate or Copy of an Act, accessible on the website of the Directeur de l’état civil (Registrar of Civil Status), is a form by which one person specifically authorizes another to make a document request on their behalf. There is a version of this form for each of the following events: birth, marriage or civil union and death. As additional checks will be required when processing the application, this option should only be used as a last resort.
General powers of attorney drawn up with the assistance of legal counsel must expressly mention the possibility of requesting documents from the Directeur de l’état civil. In the absence of such mention, additional justification and proof may be required.
Substitution of the usual given name by another given name on the act of birth
This form exists in different versions. To find out more about the form for your situation, consult the section Substitute the Usual Given Name by Another Given Name on the Act of Birth.
Application to Substitute the Usual Given Name by Another Given Name on the Act of Birth of a Person 18 Years of Age or OverReviewed: 2025-01-22